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How Digital Door Locks Enhance Your Home Security

Written by ssnanuet

July 18, 2022

Home security has always been one of the biggest concerns of the modern household. According to thezebra.com, a break-in occurs every 26 seconds in the US and more than 60% of those occur in residential establishments. It is estimated that more than half of these crimes involve forced entry.

That means adding an extra layer of security to your home is a good idea, right?

Thankfully, you can improve your home’s security in many ways. One of the most common upgrades people get nowadays is digital locks installation. And while some people still believe that digital security tools are likely to be compromised, we’ve provided an in-depth look of why you should think otherwise. 

Ready to find out how digital door locks can enhance the security of your home? Keep on reading.

Digital door locks are safe and secure.

Homes protected by any top digital door lock in Rockland, NY are difficult for normal burglars to break into. With state-of-the-art materials, fewer moving parts, and a different architecture from analog locks, the typical burglar would find a digital door lock nearly impossible to pick!

Top digital brands also provide several security features which include:

  • status notifications
  • automatic locking
  • invisible keypads
  • an anti-panic exit feature
  • battery status warning
  • “wrong passcode” alarm system

Cool, huh?

Plus, security can be quickly reinstated when compromised because passcodes and preferences can be reprogrammed easily. All you need to do is access an app that’s connected to the digital door lock, or call your security provider. That means a high level of security can be achieved regularly.

In other words, to open a digital door lock without a code, one would need extensive hacking skills and the proper software and tools. Since these are uncommon resources for most people to have, you can relax, knowing that your home’s protection is all but secured.

You don’t need physical keys with digital door locks.

Are you a person who has lost their keys plenty of times, and spent a lot for replacements? Well, if you get a digital door lock, you can wave goodbye to this problem! Digital door locks give you the convenience of not having to bring any key.

That’s a plus if you hate hearing the jangling of keys every time you walk, or if you just find carrying a bunch of keys around super inconvenient. They can get quite heavy, don’t you think so?

When it comes to digital door locks, all you have to do is remember the PIN code. Enter it on the digital door lock, and you’re good to go. It’s just like remembering your PIN for your bank account.

That also means you no longer need to have spare keys cut for you and every member of your family. And aside from not having to worry about losing your keys, you also won’t have to worry about them falling into the wrong hands. 

You also will no longer need to search and scramble through your bag for your keys every time you leave or come home, especially when you are in a hurry. Talk about a great time-saver!

You can operate digital door locks with your smartphone.

That’s right: you no longer have to be standing in front of your door to open or lock it. You can now operate your home’s door remotely through a secured app dedicated to your brand of choice. 

For example, you’re expecting a visitor. It can happen that your guest arrives early and you’re still on the way home. If you want to let them inside without letting them know your PIN, just unlock your door with your phone. 

Since we all carry smartphones nowadays, it’s smart (no pun intended) to have access available within an object you barely lose sight of. As long as you have an Internet connection, you’re all set. And at least you have an alternative to open your door in case you do forget your PIN.

Digital door locks give you a variety of secure access methods that are hard to get around.

You might not like conventional locks that require keys, but you may not also be comfortable with memorizing a PIN or even installing an app on your phone. Not to worry: just get a brand that also lets you open it via an RFID card or a fingerprint scanner.

RFID means radio-frequency identification. We’re sure you’ve seen movies where characters go 

through doors via swiping a card. That’s the same thing for digital door locks – just swipe and open your door.

The good thing about the RFID card is that it is light, and can easily be stored in your wallet, another thing that you constantly keep on your person. That means it will barely get lost.

As for fingerprint scanners, well, they’re self-explanatory. No one will be able to get inside your home if they don’t have the programmed fingerprints. It’s one of the most secure and easy-to-use technologies we have had for quite some time now.

In short, if you can have a digital door lock with multiple ways that make it easier for you to open but also make it harder for criminals to bypass, then that’s both a convenience and security upgrade by leaps and bounds!

Digital door locks are easy to install.

So you’re sold on the convenience and security part, but now you’re wondering if installing one would be tedious work.

Well, the answer is no. Digital locks are quick and easy to install as they can be used with existing door lock fittings. They don’t require any additional hardware to be installed either. 

More importantly, a lot of these systems are ideally designed for small-budget residences. That means you won’t have to wait long for your home to be secured further. There will be no compromise on your safety as the system is installed.

The maintenance cost would fit most budgets, too. With fewer moving parts than mechanical ones, there is little that can go wrong and that means fewer repairs, and digital door locks can withstand the test of time even better. 

So, are electronic door locks worth it?

Without a doubt, yes. They may have some vulnerabilities, but as mentioned above, they are difficult to exploit for the common burglar. 

Plus, digital door locks are easier to install, operate, and maintain. More importantly, they provide a higher level of security which you can easily reinstate at the earliest signs of compromise.

It’s practically a no-brainer to have a digital door lock installed!

Looking for a digital door lock in Rockland, NY, or Bergen County, NJ?

If you’re interested in getting the best smart lock in Bergen County, NJ, or in Rockland County, get the best locksmith to install a digital lock system. That means don’t look further than us at Security Solutions Locks and Safe!

As the top security provider in those counties, we do not settle for less. We only use the most trustworthy brands of security systems and the most cutting-edge technologies that meet our standards. That means we’ll only suggest the best smart locks for home – nothing less!

Contact us today to secure your home.

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