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5 Cases Why You Need 24 Hour Locksmith in Nyack, NY

Written by ssnanuet

October 18, 2021

Imagine you’re coming home after a long day’s work. All you want to do is just go inside your house, and get some well-deserved rest. Sometimes, things don’t go according to how you want. In this case, you find yourself locked out of your home. Or maybe you’ve gone down to the parking lot and discovered that you don’t have your car keys with you and you don’t know where they are. Or worse and more stressful, whether you are at your house or outside your car, your key breaks upon insertion. What a nightmare!


Maybe you start looking for a locksmith in Nyack, NY to solve your problem, right? While there are a lot of options, most of them are closed since it’s past business hours. And unfortunately these things happen often at very inopportune times. Thankfully, the 24-hour home locksmith exists, like us here at Security Solutions. You’ll no longer have to resort to breaking your car or house windows, or staying at a nearby motel for the night waiting for business hours. We can help you get out of your lock-related problem and on to what you need to do next.

What’s a locksmith, anyway?

Let’s just get this out of the way. The common misconception is that the term “locksmith” is just for someone who knows how to pick locks. However, that is only one thing that locksmiths are capable of. When you call someone a locksmith, they are ones who work on locks of pretty much everything: doors, windows, safes, you name it. They not only know how locks work, they also know how to install, repair, and adjust locks. And locksmiths aren’t exactly a new profession. Locks and keys have been around for a long time. Therefore, locksmiths have been around since the first lock was invented. Us at Security Solutions have been around for at least 25 years, and are capable of doing more than just picking locks. We also offer the following:


  • Duplicating your keys
  • Providing locks for your doors and windows, whether residential or business locations
  • Providing locks for safes
  • Giving you an automatic security system
  • Surveillance system installation
  • Door lock repairs
  • Installing intercom and access control
  • Nanny cameras


Now that you know what locksmiths are specifically, why would you need one who is accessible round the clock? Here are five reasons why.

Case number 1: You get locked out of your house or your car.

This is probably the most common case why you’d need a locksmith. Maybe you’re tired from work, so you forget to pocket your keys. Or you left your keys in your office. Or maybe you’re busy rushing, you locked your door already without noticing if you have your keys on your person. Whatever the reason, your keys are not with you. And depending on your current location, it might be dangerous. Streets at night are generally not safe, even if you’re at home or in your car. What more if you’re exposed, carrying a lot of items? It’s also not good for your health if you’re exposed to pollution and the elements. To solve this common problem, make sure to keep the number of Security Solutions on your phone. Call us immediately and we’ll get there as soon as possible to open your lock.


Case number 2: You’ve lost your all keys or you’ve forgotten your combination.

Here’s another common case – you’ve lost your keys, and you don’t have a spare on you. Just hope that this case doesn’t happen in combination with case number 1, because that would be really bad. Anyway, so what happens is that you’re about to step out but before you do, you look for your keys. And then you realize you can’t find them anywhere. The same thing can happen with your car keys. Losing keys are understandable – they’re quite small. Maybe a child in your family played with your keys and tossed them away, not knowing how important they are. Calling a 24-hour locksmith will solve your problem. On our end, we can just come up with a different key that you can use on your old locks.


But what if you have an electronic lock? Well, that’s definitely awesome since you don’t have to lug keys around. Of course, since we are all humans, we are prone to forgetfulness. So what if you forgot your combination to your door? That won’t be a problem for us as well. We can simply reset and recode your keypad. 

Case number 3: You suspect someone has tried to break into your house.

You might find yourself waking up to a strange noise outside your house. Maybe it’s the sound of metal scraping or someone trying your doorknob. When you go outside and inspect it, it looks like someone tried to force their way in. They may not have succeeded, but you also don’t know if your lock’s integrity is still intact. You probably won’t be able to sleep again, knowing that you and your family might not be safe. What if the intruder tries to come back and finish the job? In such incidents, err on the side of caution. Contact us right away so we can inspect your lock. We might have to replace your entire lock system, but it’s better than having your house being open to intruders.

Case number 4: Your key broke while you were using it.

Keys are made of metal, meaning they’re tough. Of course, no matter how tough anything is, they can wear down over time. Keys are no exception. There have been many cases of keys just snapping off upon insertion in the lock. Don’t bother trying to fish out the broken piece. You might damage your lock unnecessarily. It’s best to avail of our 24-hour service instead. Not only will you get a new key, you can also have spare keys made. 

Case number 5: You are moving into a newly rented house or apartment.

Moving into a new home or apartment is exciting, but at the same, makes you very busy. You have to take care of many things in terms of logistics. The last thing you might think about is getting a spare key, or replacing your locks. But once you have the time to breathe, you should probably prioritize this. It’s for your security, first and foremost. With a rented property, you never know who has keys to your current lock. Get in touch as soon as you can and we can take care of this security concern.

Security Solutions: Your on-call, 24-hour locksmith.

We hope you’ll never need our services at very inopportune times. But on the day that you do, just know that you can call Security Solutions anytime. We don’t only serve the Nyack, Ny area. 

We service a variety of areas. There’s no need to Google “locksmith Bergen County, NJ” or “locksmith Nanuet, NY” if you’re in that area. Your go-to residential locksmith will be us! We work even on weekends and holidays. Locksmith-related problems don’t have a schedule, after all.


Contact us today and get an estimate of our services, absolutely free.

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